Newest release
2016 - OPONEO reported sales of over 2 million tires

From January to December 2016. GK OPONEO sold over 2 million tires. This is the record annual sale of tires in the company’s history. In early December, the company informed investors about the revenues from November, which has so far been the best month in the history of OPONEO.PL SA. ...

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November in OPONEO.PL - a record month in tire sales

In November 2016 , OPONEO.PL SA  generated 100 million zł revenue. This is a record month in the history of the company, in terms of sales. In the past month, the stock tire salesman reported a 69% growth of the revenue compared to November 2015. ...

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The increase in sales in August and the new investments of OPONEO.PL

In the previous month, OPONEO.PL generated about 43% more orders which resulted in the growth of the sales income of about 30%. Unconsolidated net sales generated by the company in August 2016 amounted to 24.5 million zł, compared to 18.8 million zł for August 2015. ...

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OPONEO : 175% of profit growth in 2015

On 28th of April 2016, the Management Board of OPONEO.PL SA has published annual results for the year 2015. This was a significant year in business: 175% increase in consolidated net profit, 29% of revenue from sales and the opening of negotiations, which in 2016 resulted in two significant transactions. ...

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