November in OPONEO.PL - a record month in tire sales


In November 2016 , OPONEO.PL SA  generated 100 million zł revenue. This is a record month in the history of the company, in terms of sales. In the past month, the stock tire salesman reported a 69% growth of the revenue compared to November 2015. Unconsolidated sales revenue stood at 100 million zł in comparison to 59 million zł in November last year. – It has so far been the best month in the history of OPONEO.PL SA - says Dariusz Topolewski, CEO OPONEO.PL SA - On the Polish, and the most important market for the company, the increase of orders amounted to 96% - he adds.

Winter weather has helped the company a lot this year; a temperature below 0 C degrees and the first snow, which appeared in many Polish cities right after Halloween. Winter was helpful also abroad, it expedited the purchasing decisions, especially in countries such as : Germany and Austria.

Cumulatively, revenues increased by 30% compared to revenues recorded in the same period in 2015 and amounted to 490 million zł.




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