The increase in sales in August and the new investments of OPONEO.PL


In the previous month, OPONEO.PL generated about 43% more orders which resulted in the growth of the sales income of about 30%. Unconsolidated net sales generated by the company in August 2016 amounted to 24.5 million zł, compared to 18.8 million zł for August 2015. In total, revenues for the period from 1st of  January to 31st of August 2016 increased by 23% and amounted to 280.6 mln zł.
A few days ago, the company has also made a significant transaction - taking total control of the company SA, thus continuing its investment plans in the e-commerce business.


On the first of September this year, the company signed an investment agreement, under which it acquired a full package of shares of S.A. – Autocentrum S.A. is the owner of an independent portal, which for many years has been a leading one among the Polish automotivesites – informs Dariusz Topolewski, CEO of OPONEO.PL S.A. We are assuming that in the upcoming years, the company's revenues, along with the growing importance of the portal on the market ,will grow, and positively affect the  results of OPONEO.PL.

In 2016, OPONEO.PL S.A. earned 4.2 million dollars on the project,thanks to the sale transaction of an organized part of the enterprise, as well as funds invested in a new branch of e-commerce- the company Dadelo Sp. o.o.  The new company was created together with the CCR Sport Sp. Z.o.o.- the largest player on a domestic market in sales of bicycle parts and accessories online. However, these are not all of the investments . In autumn this year, the company is planning to start sale of  tires in Hungary, at the same time expanding its international operations on another promising market.




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