OPONEO : 175% of profit growth in 2015


On 28th of April 2016, the Management Board of OPONEO.PL SA has published annual results for the year 2015. This was a significant year in business: 175% increase in consolidated net profit, 29% of revenue from sales and the opening of negotiations, which in 2016 resulted in two significant transactions. Yesterday, the board of the stock exchange listed company OPONEO.PL, announced public annual results. In the past year, the Capital Group generated from sales of products, goods and materials a total revenue of 416.5 mln zł and a net profit of 10.3 million zł. Higher revenues are the result of 32% increase in orders, which OPONEO.PL recorded on 14 different markets (Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium and California) in 2015. On Polish, the main market for the company, the number of tires sold increased by 26%, while in foreign markets by 46%. Apart from the Polish market the Group OPONEO.PL sold the most tires in the UK, Italy and the Netherlands. According to the plans, in 2015 OPONEO.PL, launched a sale for another, foreign Internet service with the tires, which is available to US customers from California at www.oponeo.com.

In addition, in the second half of 2015, the Management Board of OPONEO.PL SA signed an agreement on the initial interest in acquiring one of the assets of OPONEO.PL SA, which resulted in sale of an organized part of the enterprise Elekroda.pl for the amount of 4 200 000 USD in the first quarter of 2016. In November last year, the board began talks and signed a letter of intent, in order to create a new company. After conducting the due diligence and negotiation process, the project was successfully completed, the result of which in April 2016, the Dadelo Sp. Zoo company is formed. The activities of the new company will rely on retail sales of bikes, bike accessories and other tourist accessories.

Due to the dynamic growth of sales, OPONEO.PL SA is planning to expand its headquarters and move to a new logistics center - said Michał Butkiewicz CFO in  OPONEO.PL SA

Not further than in the second quarter of this year, OPONEO.PL will start another project - an online tire sale in the US state Nevada.





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