Newest release
OPONEO: an increase in sales in July. Preparation to enter a new market

16.9 million PLN is the amount of revenues from July estimated by the Management Board of OPONEO.PL S.A. It is 32% more than in the analogical period in the last year. The revenues increased by almost 4.1 million PLN in comparison to July 2013 as the latest report published by OPONEO.PL S.A. shows. ...

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OPONEO: an increase in sales in July. Preparation to enter a new market

16.9 million PLN is the amount of revenues from July estimated by the Management Board of OPONEO.PL S.A. It is 32% more than in the analogical period in the last year. The revenues increased by almost 4.1 million PLN in comparison to July 2013 as the latest report published by OPONEO.PL S.A. shows. ...

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OPONEO in Slovakia

OPONEO.PL S.A. has started online sales through a new online store – Oponeo.sk. It is the eleventh foreign market on which the stock-listed company from Poland will conduct its tyre and wheel sales. The company has rich experience in conducting foreign activity. ...

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OPONEO in Slovakia

OPONEO.PL S.A. has started online sales through a new online store – Oponeo.sk. It is the eleventh foreign market on which the stock-listed company from Poland will conduct its tyre and wheel sales. The company has rich experience in conducting foreign activity. ...

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