OPONEO in Slovakia


OPONEO.PL S.A. has started online sales through a new online store – Oponeo.sk. It is the eleventh foreign market on which the stock-listed company from Poland will conduct its tyre and wheel sales.

The company has rich experience in conducting foreign activity. It currently functions in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Turkey and the Czech Republic.

In the first quarter of 2014, the company generated 22.9% of sales through foreign online stores.

- Even though revenues from national orders still constitute a significant part of the revenues in total, foreign revenues increased dynamically by 67% in the past quarter – says Dariusz Topolewski, the President of the Management Board of OPONEO.PL S.A.

In 2014, the majority of foreign orders of OPONEO have been completed in Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands and France. The sales through the Dutch online store – Oponeo.nl have dynamically increased as it recorded a 120% increase in the order amount in the first quarter of 2014 y-o-y.

Despite the strong pressure on the margin, which resulted mainly from the stagnation on the tyre market in Europe, the Company maintains a stable level of margins of about 15%, generating the highest margins on foreign markets.




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