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Which ones to choose in winter – aluminium or steel wheels?

Many drivers wonder if they should replace their aluminium wheels with steel ones in winter. Contrary to a common belief, the first ones are a better solution. The most important point given by the supporters of using steel wheels in winter is the fact that alloy wheels corrode faster in difficult weather conditions and in contact with road salt. ...

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Which ones to choose in winter – aluminium or steel wheels?

Many drivers wonder if they should replace their aluminium wheels with steel ones in winter. Contrary to a common belief, the first ones are a better solution. The most important point given by the supporters of using steel wheels in winter is the fact that alloy wheels corrode faster in difficult weather conditions and in contact with road salt. ...

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How to prepare a car for winter

Winter is not only the most difficult time for drivers due to road conditions, but also a significant challenge for our cars. If you take care of your car, you should prepare it for forthcoming temperatures, road salt and precipitation. ...

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How to prepare a car for winter

Winter is not only the most difficult time for drivers due to road conditions, but also a significant challenge for our cars. If you take care of your car, you should prepare it for forthcoming temperatures, road salt and precipitation. ...

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