A safe journey to the family on Christmas


Christmas Eve and Christmas are an opportunity to finally sit down at the table with the whole family. However, we must not forget about difficult driving conditions, as very often we have to drive miles to get to our loved ones. How to prepare for a safe journey on Christmas?

The first and the main issue before starting a journey is to check the technical condition of the vehicle. We can check many things on our own, with no need to visit a workshop. It is very important to check the engine oil level. When you start checking it, you should remember that the car must stand on an even surface and that the engine must be cold. Only in this way we can obtain an accurate measurement.

Operating fluids

In addition, let’s check operating fluids – refrigerating, brake, power steering and windscreen washer fluids. The level of the first three ones should be between the minimal and maximal designations. In case of washer fluid, there is no specific amount, but you had better have a lot of it since slush coming from under the wheels of other cars may get your windscreen dirty.

Lights and standard equipment

We also have to check if all light bulbs glow appropriately and if the wipers evacuate water correctly. Good visibility during journey guarantees a more confident driving. It is also good to check if we have the standard equipment, that are: a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle, a vest and a first aid kit. In case any of those is missing, you should immediately buy it.


Another thing that we have to remember before leaving is to check the state of our tyres. It often snows in December, not to mention low temperatures. That is why it is necessary to mount winter tyres. Driving with summer tyres would be just too dangerous - says Ernest Pujszo - Project Manager of  Oponeo.co.uk. 

If you already have appropriate tyres, you have to check the tread height – it is recommended that the tread height is not less than 0.16’’ during the winter season. It is especially important in case of snow and slush. Another important issue, which is often trivialised, is the pressure in tyres. If it is appropriate, it guarantees stable driving and less fuel consumption. Appropriate pressure values can be found on the fuel filler door, on the door pillar or in the manual of the vehicle.

And on your way

During the journey, remember to adjust the manner of driving to the capabilities of the vehicle and the road conditions. Driving in the winter season may be especially dangerous. It is better to leave a bit earlier, because you never know what we may encounter on the road.




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